cardboard live fish shipping box

Shipping can be very stressful to koi and goldfish during the hot summer months.  On a 90 degree day, temperatures in the back of a UPS truck can reach 105 F or hotter.  These high temperatures will raise the water temperature in the shipping box, which in turn increases the fish’s respiration rates.  Increased respiration means the available oxygen will decrease more rapidly, putting the fish at risk.  In extreme cases, the water can become too hot for the fish to survive, regardless of how much oxygen is available in the bag.

However, there is a solution to help ease the stress on your precious fish – the Climate Shield Insulated Liner from Next Day Koi.

The Climate Shield Insulated Liner is a box liner specially designed for shipping in hot weather.  The reflective outside, coupled with the insulating interior, helps keep out the heat and keep in the cool.  The liner is placed inside the box, and the shipping bag and ice pack are then placed inside the liner.  The seam of the liner is then sealed with an adhesive strip, and the liner is compacted to fit neatly inside the box.

Check out this quick video for an explanation of how the liners work.

The Climate Shield Insulated Liner upgrade costs $10 in addition to your base shipping rate.  Choose the Climate Shield Insulated Liner option at checkout to afford your living jewels the safest trip possible!


Questions about shipping with the Climate Shield Insulated Liner?  Contact Us now.

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