Building a koi pond is always an exciting endeavor. There are so many opportunities for originality, which makes it easy to design a pond that fits your personality and vision. However, it’s important to remember that your pond is first and foremost your koi’s home. It needs to be designed with the best interest of your pond population in mind.

Depth is one of the most important elements to consider when building a pond. A pond that is too shallow or too deep can have a negative impact on the pond environment, as well as your koi’s health and well-being. The right depth will help ensure that your pond thrives.

What Is The Ideal Pond Depth?

Koi can get rather large when full-grown, so it’s important to provide plenty of space for them to move around. The general rule-of-thumb is that a koi pond should be a minimum of three feet deep, but there are some other factors to consider when choosing the depth of your pond, including the number of fish you plan to have.

It’s recommended that your pond hold a minimum of 1,000 gallons of water. It’s also suggested that your pond have 10 square feet of surface area per koi and 10 gallons of water per every one inch of fish. The length and width of your pond should always be greater than the depth. For example, you don’t want a pond that is 6-feet deep but only 3-feet wide and 4-feet long. Here are some formulas to help with calculations:


Volume (square or rectangle pond)

Length of pond (ft.) x width of pond (ft.) x average depth of pond (ft) x7.5 = volume in gallons

Volume (round pond)

Diameter of pond (ft.) x diameter of pond (ft.) x average depth of pond (ft) x 5.9 = volume in gallons

Surface area (square or rectangle

Length of pond (ft.) x width of pond (ft.) = surface area in square feet

Surface area (round)

Radius of pond (ft.) x radius of pond (ft.) x 3.14 = surface area in square feet


A fully grown koi typically reaches 20-24” in length, though they can be smaller or larger depending on the type. When it comes to sizing your pond, it’s always better to have too much space than not enough. If you plan on getting 10 koi, you’re looking at around 200-240 inches of fish, which means you’ll need around 2400 gallons of water. It’s a smart idea to tack another 100 or so gallons onto your estimate, just to be safe. You’ll also need at least 100 square-feet of surface area.

So, a rectangle pond that is 12-feet long and 10-feet wide with an average depth of 3-feet would hold 2700 gallons of water and have a surface area of 120 square-feet, which would comfortably accommodate 10 koi.

Is It Better To Have A Deeper Pond?

Deep ponds have a variety of benefits. The shallower your pond, the more quickly it will freeze in cold weather. Warmer climates should be fine with a depth of three feet, but you may want to consider making your pond a bit deeper if you live in a colder area—especially if you plan to leave your koi outdoors during the winter.

While koi can survive the cold, they can’t survive being frozen. Ponds freeze from the top down, and can accumulate a depth of six inches or more of solid ice in freezing temperatures. If you live in an area that is prone to frigid winters, it’s important that your pond is deep enough to protect your koi from freezing. Koi typically spend most of the winter towards the bottom of the pond, and deeper ponds can help better insulate them from the cold.

Drastic temperature changes can be stressful to koi, which can lead to a weakened immune system and illness. Shallow ponds have less water volume, so fluctuation in temperature can happen more quickly. In hot climates, shallow water can also make it harder for koi to avoid direct sunlight, which can cause sunburn.

Deep ponds also give your koi added protection against predators. In deeper ponds, koi can easily position themselves out of reach towards the floor of the pond. This makes it much more difficult for predators to catch them, specifically non-aquatic predators. It’s easier for predators to both see and reach koi in shallow waters, which can make your koi an easy target.

Another benefit of having a deep pond is that it’s easier to maintain water quality. The more water volume in your pond, the longer it will take for harmful chemicals to build up in the water, including waste from your fish and decaying organic matter. In mild weather, direct sunlight can quickly warm water in shallow ponds and create the perfect environment for bacteria and algae to grow. Water will also evaporate more quickly in shallow ponds, which means they typically need to be refilled more frequently and the water retested.

Is It Possible For My Pond To Be Too Deep?

In some cases, yes, it’s possible for a koi pond to be too deep. Depths greater than 10-feet can lead to low oxygen levels, especially towards the bottom of the pond. This can cause anaerobic digestion to occur at the lowest points of the pond, which allows gasses to build up that can be harmful to your koi.

While ponds that are too shallow can lead to the quick build up of harmful chemicals like ammonia and nitrate, more water in deeper ponds means more water maintenance. It can be a difficult task keeping up with the maintenance required for a deeper and larger pond.

Maintaining a large pond can also be expensive. It’s vital to take your budget into consideration before you start digging a pond. A deeper pond means more digging, more water, and more equipment and supplies to keep the water clean. The electric costs alone can take a toll on your wallet. It’s also important to note that ponds over a certain depth could be considered a swimming pool by your local government, which may require additional paperwork and permits prior to construction.

When it comes to choosing a depth for your pond, deeper is generally better. Having a deeper pond is beneficial to the well-being of your koi, and the health of your pond population should always be top-priority. Aside from better water quality, deeper ponds can help protect your koi from the stress of predators and other sudden environmental changes. While there are plenty of ways to flex your creative muscle while building a pond, your biggest concern should always be keeping your pond population healthy—and adding a little extra depth to your pond will help you accomplish just that.

11 responses

  1. charles godfrey LCSW-R, MAC :

    my koi pond is 8’wide 11’long 4’deep, 2,640 gallons, 5′ 3 level, waterfall, underwater lighting Laguna pump 2,900 GPH, Laguna 4,000 Pressurized Pond Filter for a 4,000 gallon pond. I only have 4 koi and 1 white channel catfish, NO MORE FISH and bullfrog tadpoles, my oldest bull frog passed away last year. All the fish and tadpoles sing, it is a beautiful pond in the neighborhood.

    1. charles godfrey LCSW-R, MAC :

      CRS disease I forgot, an aerator for a 5,000 gallon pond, on my 2,640 gallon koi pond.

      1. Charles Godfrey LCSW-R, MAC :

        I also added a pond skimmer to my koi pond for added insurance

  2. […] While koi can survive the cold, they can't survive being frozen. Ponds freeze from the top down, and can accumulate a depth of six inches or more of solid ice in freezing temperatures. If you live in an area that is prone to frigid winters, it's important that your pond is deep enough to protect your koi from freezing. via […]

  3. […] You'll also need at least 100 square-feet of surface area. So, a rectangle pond that is 12-feet long and 10-feet wide with an average depth of 3-feet would hold 2700 gallons of water and have a surface area of 120 square-feet, which would comfortably accommodate 10 koi. via […]

  4. Henry Killingsworth :

    It was interesting when you mentioned that a deep pond has a variety of benefits. With that in mind, I would think that you would want to make sure that you have the proper material placed on the bottom of your pond. If I were to guess, I would think that a mixture of gravel and rocks would be a good material for the bottom of a pond.

    1. Gravel on the pond bottom is the perfect place for bacteria and parasites to hide. Also, decaying matter gets trapped and is hard to clean. Our pond has nothing but the liner. Its easy to see what’s in there and easy to vacuum.

  5. Charles G Godfrey :

    CRS disease again, rocks and gravel on the bottom of my pond. I was informed it is 4 & 1/4 feet deep, NOT 4 feet, by the professional pond builder.

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