After looking at the essentials of keeping your koi fish indoors, here we’ll spend some time exploring the particulars of building an indoor koi fish pond as well as examining some things to consider when creating an oasis for your “living jewels.”

Indoor Koi ponds are generally more cost effective and easier to maintain through cold winters than their outdoor counterparts. They can range from large, incredibly ornate and expensive undertakings, to simple wooden-framed boxes that fit in the living room corner. Regardless of which direction you choose, there are some basics that are helpful to know.

NDK IndoorPond

This is perhaps the most important consideration. How your house is constructed (and the governing building codes) factor heavily into where you can put your indoor pond. If your intention is to build a pond that is above ground, try to put it on top or as close to a load-bearing structure (wall or column) as possible. Where possible, have it run perpendicular to the joists.

The ground floor of your home (or on concrete) is probably the safest place for your indoor pond. Sometimes however, this is not practical or it may not provide the visibility you want (as it can be in your basement or garage).

Proximity to water and drainage is another thing to keep in mind, as you will need them both to be able to maintain good water quality for your koi fish.  Keep the pond away from electronics and outlets. If you don’t have a ground fault plug dedicated to your pond, installing one is advisable.

Determining the Size of Your Koi Pond

An example of an Indoor Koi PondThe intended size of your indoor koi fish pond will dictate where you will be able to locate it (as well as the number of fish you should stock it with). To help visualize how big and how much space the pond will occupy, one trick is to use cardboard boxes to simulate the intended size.

The shape of your pond can have implications on the pounds per square foot on your floor and thus its weight-bearing capabilities. With each foot of water representing 62.4 pounds per square foot, how you spread the weight around will impact the height and width of your pond and potentially the look of it in the space you have chosen.

Koi Pond Materials

This is determined by your design, where it is going and personal aesthetics. The framing of the pond itself is most often wood (above ground) and concrete/mortar (in ground).

Once the pond has been framed, it can be given the finishing touches that suit style, decor and function. Tile, stone, rock and wood are a few of the materials koi enthusiasts use to add personal flair to their indoor ponds.

Before adding the lining (if you opt to not use a prefab pond), line the frame with polystyrene or an older blanket to prevent punctures, tears and leaks. Additionally, darker liners can prove helpful in promoting your koi’s natural colors.

Filters (biological, chemical and mechanical) as well as any aeration apparatus have to be accounted for as part of the material. There are many different configurations and options that can meet your needs and budget. Spend the extra time and money finding the right filters. Poor water quality indoors can lead to some less than desirable smells in your home.

Some Other Points to Consider:

  • Eighteen inches is the standard water depth that most floors in the U.S. are equipped to handle.
  • Natural light is preferred, so near a window or sliding glass door are good places for ponds. A halide light is another way to light the pond if natural light is insufficient.
  • A six-inch gap between the water’s surface and the edge of the pond is recommended to lessen the likelihood of your koi jumping out.
  • Consider bolting your above-ground pond frame together as it will be easier to take apart (should it ever become necessary).
  • Remember that filtration is a vital component of any pond and it will have to be factored into the aesthetics (both visual and aural) when you decide on the size and placement of your indoor koi pond.
  • The indoor koi pond will create a more humid environment, so have dehumidifier or ceiling fan handy to disperse the extra moisture and heat.
  • Leaks can be costly, so as part of your building process fill up the pond and check for leaks before adding any finishing aesthetics.

No matter what size or shape you decide on for your pond, Next Day Koi offers a wide selection of koi fish sourced from some of the best farms around the world to help you stock it.

Coupled with a great selection of both sizes and types, we leverage our high volume of shipping through UPS to bring you some of the most competitive Next Day Air shipping rates in the industry.

Contact one of our representatives to see how we can help you stock your pond.

5 responses

  1. Jeff pomarici :

    How serious of a problem will humidity be in a indoor koi pond ? We want to put one in our home which is located in Marco island Florida

    Thank you very much

    1. Hi Alex,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. We do apologize, as we are not pond building experts and are not able to throughly answer your question. We recommend contacting an Aquascape Pond Builder or Certified Aquascape Contractor in your area. They are much more knowledgable with pond builds and maintenance. You can try finding one via the link provided below.

      Thank you.

  2. Debbi Gray :

    Hi! I have installed a 3500 gallon indoor concrete koi pond 13′ x 8′ x 5′ deep inside a specially built room of my new home. I purchased an filter and recommended pump. I’ll soon be starting on making faux boulders and a waterfall as the aeration source. My question is what is the most effective and quickest way to establish the filter, i.e. using Seachem or other products, and how soon can I add fish?
    Thank you for your kind assistance and knowledge.

    1. Hi Debbie,

      If you have a new pond, we recommend not adding the best or most expensive koi immediately. To feed the nitrogen cycle consider adding some inexpensive “canary” koi in there that you aren’t attached to or haven’t cost you a lot to purchase. Wait up to 6 weeks before adding your best koi to allow for the beneficial bacteria colonizing your filters to get a handle on the ammonia in the pond and start breaking it down.

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