Dog in backyard

Curious and energetic by nature, dogs love to explore their backyard. If you’re a dog owner with a Koi pond, it’s only a matter of time before your four-legged friend starts sniffing around your pond. However, dogs and Koi ponds are not the best match. If dogs come in contact with the pond and pond water, it can be dangerous for both your dog and your fish. Luckily, you can take steps to make your pond safe for your furry and scaled friends.

Potential Dangers

Falling or Getting in Water

If your dog gets in your pond accidentally or on its own accord, it can be dangerous for both your dog and Koi. Most dogs are significantly larger than Koi and can cause a lot of harm in your pond with little effort. The disruption can cause significant stress to your Koi, making them more susceptible to disease and illness. It’s also possible that your dog may unintentionally injure your fish, which can increase the risk of a parasitic or bacterial infection.

Depending on the size of your dog and the depth of your pond, there’s also a drowning risk for your dog. While most dogs are comfortable with water, smaller dogs or those unfamiliar with spending time in water could have a difficult time navigating your pond if they fall in.

Drinking Pond Water

Your pond water can be hazardous to dogs. Domestic dogs are accustomed to drinking clean water, likely the same water you drink, and have no resistance to some harmful pathogens in pond water. While some treatments you may use to maintain water quality help keep your fish healthy, they can be highly toxic if ingested by your dog. Pond water also contains waste, bacteria, algae, and parasites that can lead to digestive issues or infections if consumed by dogs.

How To Keep Your Dog Away From Your Pond

The most effective way to keep your dog safe from potential pond dangers is to keep it away from the pond altogether. Here are a few ways to ensure your dog steers clear of your Koi pond.

Install A Fence

Installing a fence around the perimeter of your pond is a great way to prevent your dog from getting too close. Make sure the fence is high enough so your dog isn’t able to jump over it. Larger dogs may be able to knock down your fence if it’s flimsy, so be sure to choose something sturdy and make sure it’s securely installed. Dogs love to dig and could try to dig under your fence. Placing large rocks at the bottom of the fenceline or burying chicken wire underneath your fence can help discourage digging.

Build A Raised Pond

If you have not yet built your pond, consider installing a raised rather than in-ground pond. This is primarily effective for deterring small dogs, as the raised walls of the pond can effectively keep them out. However, it’s important to note that raised ponds can still be dangerous for larger dogs. Larger dogs can easily perch on or jump over the pond’s edge. The raised edges can also make it more difficult for a dog to escape the pond if they do jump in. Taking additional safety precautions is a good idea if you own a larger dog and have a raised pond.

Cover Your Pond

Covering your pond with netting or a pond cover is an excellent option for keeping both your dog and other critters away from your pond. Pond covers come in various shapes and sizes, making finding something that works for your pond simple. Pond covers are usually a three-dimensional structure resembling a tent with panels made of mesh netting. Most are made to be easily removable, so you can take off the cover when you want to enjoy your pond unobstructed.

If you don’t like the appearance of a pond cover, pond netting is another option. Pond netting is also made of a fine mesh netting material, but it lies flat over the pond, making it more inconspicuous than a pond cover. The only downside of netting is that while it will help keep your dog out of your pond, it may not keep them from attempting to drink the pond water. Another bonus of pond covers and netting is that they can keep your pond free of debris and prevent herons and other predators from entering it.

Strategic Landscaping

Depending on your dog’s size and curiosity level, you can use natural barriers to help keep them from getting too close to your pond. Planting thick vegetation around your pond will help hide your pond from your dog’s view. Dense shrubs are a great option for more determined dogs, as they can be challenging to get through. Some dogs may attempt to dig or eat through vegetation, so this option is best for lazy, smaller, or older dogs.

Introduce Your Dog To Your Pond

Familiarizing your dog with your pond can help reduce their curiosity and excitement around the pond. Put your dog on a leash or harness and take them on a walk around your yard and garden, including the pond. Don’t make a big deal about the pond, but allow your dog to sniff around and explore the area independently. If your dog becomes overly excited or tries to enter the pond, use your preferred command to let them know the pond is off-limits. Repeat this process daily until they become more relaxed around the pond. This should help keep them from getting too close to the pond in the future.

How To Keep Your Dog and Koi Fish Safe

Sometimes, our dogs are more intelligent than we anticipate and can bypass even our best security measures. If your dog makes their way to your pond, there are steps you can take to limit the harm it can cause both your dog and fish.

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

If your dog is thirsty, they are much more likely to head to the pond and lap up some water. Ensure your dog has plenty of access to drinking water, especially when spending time outdoors. Keeping a bowl of clean drinking water outside for your dog is a good idea. This will help keep them hydrated and make them less likely to seek alternative water sources, like pond water.

Provide Hiding Spots For Your Koi

Dogs are large animals and, whether or not they mean to, can cause harm to Koi if they get too close. The movement of your Koi may feel like a game to your dog, and they may attempt to paw at them. To avoid this, it’s recommended that you give your Koi plenty of hiding places within your pond so they have a place to stay safe if your curious dog gets too close. Rock shelters or floating plants are a great option.

Avoid Certain Pond Plants

Pond plants are a great way to add beauty to your pond and provide shade, shelter, and oxygen to your fish. However, some types of pond plants can harm your dog if consumed. Popular choices for Koi ponds, like the water iris and water lilies, can make your dog sick. If you’re unsure whether your pond plants are safe for dogs, do some quick research or contact your veterinarian.

Build Sloped Edges

If your dog finds their way into your pond, it’s essential that they have an escape route. Ponds with steep edges can be extremely dangerous for dogs, making it nearly impossible for them to exit the water. Even larger dogs can have difficulty lifting themselves out of the water. Ensure your pond has sloped edges to help your dog safely exit the water. It’s also a good idea to keep at least one area of your pond perimeter relatively open and free of large rocks so your dog has an obstacle-free escape route.

Are you looking for a few new additions to your backyard pond? Shop our full selection of Koi and Goldfish today.

3 responses

  1. Chris Smith :

    You said in your article, “Pond covers are usually a three-dimensional structure resembling a tent with panels made of mesh netting. Most are made to be easily removable, so you can take off the cover when you want to enjoy your pond unobstructed.” Where can I find this type of cover along with the flat ones that you desccribe. Thank you, Chris Smith

    1. Hi Chris,

      We apologize, as we do not have links to pond products. However, you could first try checking with your local pond shop for supplies or searching for these items online.

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