What To Look For
Hariwake should have a bright, platinum-white colored base. A yellowish tint to the base color, or any blemishes on scales of either color will detract from the beauty of the koi.
The edges between the white and the seconday color (known as “kiwa”) should be crisp and clear, with no blurry or mottled edges.
Ideally, Hariwake should have a clean, flawless, platinum-white head, with none of the secondary color intruding onto the head. However, if the secondary color comes down to cover a portion of the head (but not the entire head), this does not ruin a Hariwake.
The fins should be the same solid platinum-white color as the body. The pectoral fins may or may not have instances of the secondary color beginning at the base of the fin, and spreading out across a portion of each pectoral.