How to Recognize and Treat Common Koi Fish Illnesses
We have recently been posting about the different types of bacteria and parasites that are commonly found in your koi fish. Here is a combined list of those
Dropsy and Your Koi Fish
Dropsy (which is an old-fashioned term for edema) is also known as Pinecone, Bloater or Pop-eye disease. The fish’s pine cone appearance is a result of pressure from
Pond Mates for Your Koi
With the varieties of koi that are available, it is conceivable that you will never build a pond big enough to get your fill of all the different
Fish Lice and Your Koi
In the truest sense of the word, fish lice (or Argulus foliaceus) is not a lice (which is an insect). They are crustacean ectoparasites in the Argulidae family,
Chilodonella and Your Koi Fish
Chilodonella cyrini is another microscopic protozoan that can be deadly to freshwater fish. The protozoan is an accomplished swimmer, and can quickly infect an entire pond’s stock of
9 Ways to Keep Your Pond Plants Safe From Your Koi
Pond plants in and around your pond offer a pleasant viewing experience, but there is more to them than just a “pretty face.” From providing shade and protection
Ich and Your Koi Fish
Short for Ichthyophthirius multifilis, Ich is another freshwater parasite that loves to hide in the skin of your living jewels. The ciliated protozoans are recognizable under a microscope
Anchor Worms and Your Koi
Anchor worms (Lernea or also Lernaea Elegans for those that like official names) is a common parasitic infection for koi. They are not actually worms, but rather crustaceans
Costia and Koi Fish
This parasite has a fairly intimidating scientific name, going by the handle Ichthyobodo Necatrix in its more common form. It is a silent and deadly microscopic parasite (20
10 Signs You Are Ready for a Koi Pond
1. You go to an Aquarium and your first thought is, “I can do better than that.” You did, however, request a tour of the filtration system and