9.5” Beni Kumonryu Doitsu Koi Fish

Doitsu Koi are a fairly recent addition to the Nishikigoi universe. The word “doitsu” is a derivative of the Japanese word for Deutsche (German). They are the result of crossbreeding of Wagoi (Japanese koi of Caprinus carpio haematopterus species) the and the European Caprinus carpio carpio.

There two types of doitsu koi. The “leather” carp has no or few small scales on it at all while the “mirror” carp has a row of large scales dorsally (on the back) and/or ventrally (along the lateral line). There are doitsu in almost all varieties of koi but in most competitions, scaled koi almost always beat the doitsu varieties.

Interestingly, all modern doitsu koi are descended from seven German koi that made the trip to Japan in the early-1900s. These scaleless carp were not intended to be the colorful pond denizens that are seen today. Originally, they were bought to increase the size of their Japanese counterparts and so the yield of edible meat on Japanese koi.

Scale types

Leather Doitsu koiKawi goi

This is the also known as the leather koi. These koi are completely scaleless or have a row of scales that runs down the back of the fish on both sides of the dorsal fin. The scales also tend to be smaller than on the mirror carp. Aficionados look for scales patterns that are uniform, with no or even spaces, and symmetrical on both sides of the fin.

Mirror scaled Doitsu koiKagami goi

This is the mirror or striped koi that has scales both on the back (dorsal) and along the lateral line (ventral). On a more prized Kagami koi, the scales would be uniform and unbroken with the scales running from the head all the way to the tail.

Armor scaled doitsu koiYoroi goi

Also known as armored koi, the scale pattern is random and the irregularly sized scales are spread all over the body. It is considered to be a somewhat “messy” looking koi, but when the scales have a symmetry on both sides of the koi, it is a fascinating koi to have in any pond.

Some characteristics of the doitsu that separate them from the scaled Nishikigoi are that they generally tend to grow quicker, and females reach sexual maturity quicker. They don’t have the same disease resistance, however, and they don’t have the same life expectancy as scaled koi.

Next Day Koi offers a large selection of doitsu koi for sale. Procured from some of the biggest and best suppliers in the koi industry, and using a stringent quarantine protocol our doitsu koi are top quality. Coupled with our first-rate customer service guarantee and competitive shipping rates, you will have your next koi in your pond in no time. Sign up for our email to stay up to date with all of our great deals on koi fish for sale.

1 responses

  1. Kay Wisberger :

    I’m looking to purchase some koi for my pond. I have one large “ messy “ koi and would like to upgrade my fish selection. I do have2 aquatic turtles in my pond, they have all grownup together and love eachother. The turtles leave my koi alone, mr . K is 11” in size now,
    Help me find some new looks and breeds of koi, please.

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