Koi Fish on Craigslist
In the digital age, you can buy koi fish almost anywhere. eBay, websites—domestic or international (reputable and not so much), and yes, the are even koi fish on
Preparing for a Koi Show
Showing your koi is a great way to share Living Jewels with the world. A koi show is also a great place to rub elbows with other appreciative
Overwintering Koi Fish
Koi are poikilothermic (cold-blooded). Their metabolism and temperament are very much dependent on the ambient water temperature. Koi have spent thousands of years adapting to extreme seasonal changes,
ORP, Foam Fractionators and Koi Pond Water Quality
What exactly is ORP? It’s an acronym for Oxidation-Reduction Potential (or Redox Potential in some parts of the world). In this case, it applies to the water you
Winterizing your Outdoor Koi Fish Pond
The story in the Detroit Free Press about the koi wrangling event at the Belle Isle Aquarium, moving koi fish from their outdoor environs into their summer digs
Koi Fish Treats
Koi fish are renowned omnivores, and their ability to exist on almost anything they can digest is remarkable. As domesticated pond denizens, however, most koi have a well-formulated
Introducing Koi Fish to a New Home
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a new (or newest) addition to your pond. Like any getting-to-know-each-other period, there is going to be an adjustment and
Dragon Fish on the Move: Transporting or Relocating Koi Fish
Moving is a strenuous and stressful event for most people, and the same can be said for your koi fish. As hardy of a species as they are,
Hand Feeding Your Koi Fish
One of the most rewarding activities for any koi enthusiast is hand feeding a koi fish. For a fish already renowned for its sociability, it makes for an
Feeding Schedules for Your Koi Fish
Making sure that your koi stays healthy is not a function of emptying a coffee can of food in your pond and heading back inside. Not only can