Kumonryu is one of the most fascinating and interesting koi varieties to own, primarily because their pattern will change completely many times throughout their lifespan. Any single Kumonryu can change to solid white, solid black, or any possible pattern in between, at any point in their life. No one is certain of what brings about the change in pattern, although changes in water temperature and pH seem to play a role.
What To Look For
Since the pattern of any single Kumonryu will change many times throughout it’s life, it is important to select Kumonryu based primarily on factors other than pattern. As with all koi, body conformation should be one of the most important points. Also, beware of any deformities of the tail or pectoral fins, as these are common in this variety.
Additionally, pay attention to the depth and quality of the black. While the pattern itself will not remain constant, the quality of the black will.
Kumonryu with a killer whale-like pattern seem to be especially popular among koi hobbyists, although it is high doubtful that any Kumonryu will keep the pattern throughout it’s lifespan.